सहयोगी साथी Friendly Friend

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Author | मञ्जु ज्ञवाली (Manju Gyawali, マンジュ・ギャワリ), शुभेक्षा तिमोथी (Subhekchya Timothy, スブヘクチャ・ティモシー) |
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The story is about how different types of animals are interdependent and help each other. This book is written in both Nepali and English. Pages:40 This book was purchased using a grant from the Mitsubishi Foundation and the Central Community Chest of Japan as part of the 4th “Support Fund for Activities Assisting People with Foreign Roots” (2023.10-2024.9), with the cooperation of Professor Tanaka Masako.
Publisher:Ekta Books, Kathmandu, Nepal